just attended faris wedding. first time attending a malay wedding, pretty cool on how different it is from chinese wedding. i really love the food and the hospitality of the people there. makes me feel like part of their family. anyway congrats on your marriage bro, wish you have a healthy kid and an everlasting marriage. so i will need to confirm with the marina barrage docent job. but the thing is I'm torn again. as i have another interview with mindef this wednesday. and i really wanted that mindef job. i applied for it in february and now they have called me in for an interview this Wednesday. its 2 months since i heard from them. but i heard it very tedious and stringent on their selection thus the reason why the 2 months wait. so I'm here again, torn between 2 choices, give up the docent job or pray hard that mindef will hire me (I'm confident they will because the position is a diploma requirement but i have a degree, and I'm an ex regular). but i think i ...
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