just attended faris wedding. first time attending a malay wedding, pretty cool on how different it is from chinese wedding. i really love the food and the hospitality of the people there. makes me feel like part of their family. anyway congrats on your marriage bro, wish you have a healthy kid and an everlasting marriage.

so i will need to confirm with the marina barrage docent job. but the thing is I'm torn again. as i have another interview with mindef this wednesday. and i really wanted that mindef job. i applied for it in february and now they have called me in for an interview this Wednesday. its 2 months since i heard from them. but i heard it very tedious and stringent on their selection thus the reason why the 2 months wait.

so I'm here again, torn between 2 choices, give up the docent job or pray hard that mindef will hire me (I'm confident they will because the position is a diploma requirement but i have a degree, and I'm an ex regular). but i think i have the answer in my head already. i just hope all will be well for me, 2018 hasn't been kind to me for almost 5 months. i have literally hit rock bottom, and i truly hope the only way out of this mess is going up.

sometimes i feel so lonely and socially awkward. saw couples acting so intimate in front of me, kissing hugging etc you know. it always fucking reminds me of her. its painful, i still love her but knowing that she will not turn back because I am nothing, and there is nothing wrong that she would choose someone with better qualities and stability. natural selection always comes into play, whether we admit it or turn an blind eye to it, and I'm okay with that because i know in her eyes, i cannot give her happiness. still trying to let go/forget her but it is so damn hard. someone just kill me or something


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