so i went for the mindef interview today. to sum up everything, i think i did 5/10. i think they will reject me, as there are 2 more other interviewees before me and they did pretty well from the looks on how long their interview went. 

there is another interview for me tomorrow. i heard its gonna be something like insurance agent. fuck

BIG SPOILER ALERT for infinity war ! close now if you don't want to spoil yourselves

so i watch infinity wars today, and i must say they did a good job in mindfucking all of us from the trailers and internet fan theories hahaha. the only part that i didn't like was how they introduced the soul stone. it was quite abrupt, much like how it was done in justice league. no context, just boom, lets snatch that soul stone from that place haha. gamora plays a key role in revealing the soul stone and yes she dies after being sacrificed by thanos to retrieve the soulstone.

the movie did good in the introduction of the whereabouts of the avengers after civil war. capt america entrance to the movie was epic, alongside with falcon, black widow i think. loki also plays a huge role at the very start of the movie. as seen in trailers, he seemingly handing the space stone to thanos. many questioned is he giving the stone to thanos in his own accord or being threatened by thanos that he will kill thor if he didn't hand the stone over. after thor ragnorak, loki seems to have a chance of heart and decides to be a good boy, but he stole the space stone from the treasure chamber in the post credit scene and hands it over to thanos. in infinity wars, he was being threatened by thanos to hand over the stone of thor will die. he did gave the stone, and tries to trick thanos, but failed and got killed. very unexpected scene as it was the very beginning of the movie and loki dies. it truly sets the stage of how terrifying thanos is.

okay i feel I'm giving away too much spoilers so I'm gonna tone down a little bit here.

thor got a new hammer towards the end of the movie, i feel it is very bad ass when he just wrecks so much shit with his new toy. vision is on the run throughout the movie with scarlet witch. yes vision will die as thanos cracks his head open like an egg to take the mind stone. hulk couldn't go green, and pilots the hulk buster. winter soldier aka white wolf now gets a new arm. 

spiderman gets the iron spider suit in the most unlikely and dangerous places. doctor strange is goddamn cool when he fights thanos in this movie. he seems to have a solid control and knowledge of the timestone. he too also lost the time stone in order to save tony stark's life. and finally capt got the fighting gauntlets. apparently from the trailer it seems that he resisted the infinity gauntlet but soon after got his ass kicked by thanos. ironman got his nanobot suit which is dang cool. he got hit pretty bad in this movie, totally no match against thanos and almost cost his life.

at the end of the movie, i was expecting thanos to only acquire maybe 3 of out the 6 stones. but he actually did collected all 6 stones in this movie. first he got the power stone from nova corp, which the movie didn't explain how he got it, then space stone by killing loki, reality stone by killing the collector, soul stone by sacrificing gamora, time stone by almost killing ironman, and mind stone by killing vision. damm he sure killed a lot good guys to get what he wants.

okay as i was saying i expected thanos to get 3/6 stone but he collected all 6. it made me feel like everything was being rushed in this movie. from the moment the movie reveals the soul stone, i feel everything is being rushed. but ill let this one off because thanos is really that strong in the comics, i don't read the comics but i think he is. so it is only natural that he is able to get all stone with ease. 

things get interesting when he gets all the stones. everyone started to turn to dust, as expected from the power of wielding all 6 stones, thanos is able to wipe out all existence across the universe. i couldn't remember who got killed in the end, as in turned to dust. spiderman, doctor strange, war machine, scarlet witch, black panther, white wolf and guardians of the galaxy. after that we see thanos chilling in a small hut with a lake in front. don't know whats with that, maybe he is satisfied now. comic fans will surely know what it meant. and we get to see nick fury paging capt marvel before turning to dust in the end credit scene.

also i didn't see antman and hawkeye in this movie, so perhaps they play in big role in saving the avengers as most of them are killed?

okay pretty lengthy post but yea. that is it


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