i think I'm probably gonna take up the ST offer...pay is good and i have relevant experience. i just hope i can climb the corporate ladder within if they allow. gonna let them know the decision if i don't hear from cmpb next week

chatted with jiaqi for the past few days, asking how is "she" doing. told her how much i miss "her". she told me that "she" say i can see her if i want to. and even took a video of "her", and will consider us dating again if i ask her out, "she" just need me to man up.

yea thats the story. I'm still trying to absorb this, honestly I'm very thrilled and happy to hear but lets face the facts. I'm not financially ready, yet. i really miss her and want to get back with her, but how sure i am to say that she will not throw me away like the previous time. but given her character, she rarely or almost never give second opportunities, I'm thinking she might feel we actually still have the chance, i still love her, and maybe, just maybe she still love me. nah wishful thinking, don't expect too much but i want to try because i need her in my life. not for fame money status but my life seems to be crumbling ever since she left. i dare not say i will succeed in getting her back, but deep down my heart i just want to love her again.


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